Video: Why BAD HABITS are so EASY to pick up + Good Habits are so HARD to Ingrain Path of Least Resistance What is the reason the bad habits are so easy to pick up, while the habits that we know will be beneficial to us, are so hard to ingrain? The immediate outcome...
video: Bend The Knee or Face a Maoist Inquisition STAND UP to the Cultural Revolution of Wokeness Welcome to the cultural revolution, where people must bend the knee, or lose their jobs, state your own opinion about matters regarding race not being a big issue, and...
Video: AWESOME Black Leaders telling World, What White People are Not Allowed ; First Amendment for POC! Since the First amendment no longer, in practicality exist for white people. Denzel Washington, Larry Elder, Morgan Freeman, David Webb, Coleman Hughes Describe...
Video: Skin Deep GUILT is FAKE News; Martin Luther King “I Have a Dream” Speech done Spectacular Disservice Martin Luther King Jr. had a spectacular, achievable dream, that our skin color would become BORING. The Regressive left is turning that into a...
video: Why it is your duty to vote RED across the board Why I’m Voting 100% RED across the board. The insane, hypocritical left simply MUST be stopped. Health Care Workers CHEER the Spread of Covid + Media’s ALL OUT ASSAULT on Trump....
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