Debate LIES + Sleepy Joe Proving himself Mentally Incapable of Leading the Nation
video: Debate LIES + Sleepy Joe Proving himself Mentally Incapable of Leading the Nation
In the train wreck of a presidential debate, both Sleepy Joe Biden and Donald Trump did not rise to the challenge, however I was left with the distinct impression that Joe Biden is not mentally fit to be president. He was mumbling and stuttering the whole way through, and had poor answers, dodging the question of whether or not he would pack the Supreme Court or in the Senate filibuster. I’m sure that many people found Joe Biden to be unpresidential, and not worthy of leading the American people due to his advanced age and his increasing dementia. The last thing I want to see is Kamala Harris installed via the Trojan horse of Joe Biden as our radical left president. And Chris Wallace intentionally brought up the “fine people on both sides” hoax without any prompting of Joe Biden. And Joe Biden blaming trump for the economic recession is positively false, it is the fault of Covid and idiotic governor is like Gavin Newsom of California and the rest of the left.