video: Always Be on the Positive Side of the Ledger We always want to be on the positive side of the ledger. People keep track, and it’s where the term “much obliged” came from, when you did something positive for someone, the law of reciprocity...
video: Comparison: Capitol Hill to BLM/Antifa- — Let’s Define Largely Peaceful Protests CNN continually told us along with the rest of the main stream media that there was almost no violence during the BLM and antifa riots that left hundreds injured, some...
video: Google + Sergey Brin’s Massive Election Interference – see for yourself In 2016 immediately following Donald Trump’s victory, Sergey Brin, one of the founders of Google, spoke Add an employee meeting and described the election as “deeply...
video: Is This What Black People Feel Like? Racism in America Today (approved + allowed) “This is a chance for all of us in Congress to sort of begin at a new baseline and stop spreading the myth of American exceptionalism and accept the fact that this is...
video: Bret Weinstein gets one WRONG- False Equivalence of MAGAstan to WOKEistan Professor Brett Weinstein of the Darkhorse podcast made equivalent MAGA to Wokism In terms of the pernicious effects upon the United States in his estimation both have. He’s...
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