Burning Down of Canadian Churches Encouraged by BC Government + Justin Turdeau

Cubans Red Pilled by Black Lives Matter Hateful Marxist Ideology

So my wife has a friend, who is a leftist. Posted a video of himself dancing when Biden won, has a severe case of TDS, totally blue anoned. Except for one small hole in the ship, and it’s taking on water. He’s Cuban. When the Cuban uprising began, he wrote a Facebook...
Burning Down of Canadian Churches Encouraged by BC Government + Justin Turdeau

Google Scrubs Mike Cernovich and Myself off the Internet

Google’s motto, do no evil, has become passe. The company has become nothing more but a left-wing editorial group promoting SJW opinions and propaganda, while down-ranking, for example Mike Cernovich’s column entitled “How a Convicted terrorist use...
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