video: LOL- You Must Live in California!! Once the golden state, literally and figuratively. Where the ambitious came to climb the mountains of success. pursuing their dreams in Tinsel Town; Hollywood- the standard for entertainment around the world, or settling in...
For those of you claiming that inflation is nothing, even if you don’t look directly at the gas prices because you’re too busy driving your expensive electric vehicle, unaffected by the jump in fuel, even if you own your own McMansion, and are pleased to...
video: What Kyle Rittenhouse’s Acquittal Means for America + Freedom With Kyle Rittenhouse rightfully being acquitted of all charges, it demonstrates that America still stands at least for today against the forces of neo Marxism that wish to terrace apart. The...
video: Why Would Black Lives Matter Loot + Riot Over White People Killing Each Other?? Black Lives Matter #BLM and Antifa are threatening nationwide #riots over the outcome of the Kyle #Rittenhouse trial. What I don’t understand, is white black lives matter...
video: Grand Witch of The Black KKK — Spewing Vile Racism Nightly Joy Reid is spewing vile racism and hatred on MSNBC every single evening, allowed to because of her ultra privileged position as a black woman. The simple fact is that if she were on the other...
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