Courage is Infectious! Stand Strong for Freedoms + SPEAK UP so Others Will Join
video: Courage is Infectious! Stand Strong for Freedoms + SPEAK UP so Others Will Join
The epidemic of cowardice that exists is real, and those seeking to destroy our freedoms are leveraging this against us.
I release a video most days, using my voice, limited as YouTube seeks to make it, so feel free to share this video, to advance and protect freedom.
Everyday I speak up and invariably get attacked by Leftists in one of the their usual ad hominems. It doesn’t have much effect on me usually, but even if it does, I will never give up, I will continue to persevere because this battle is much more than about me and how I feel, but rather for the choices I wish for my children to have.
This is a battle fought by our veterans, whose sacrifices are honored in cemeteries around the nation. 20 year olds, at the apex of health, giving their lives, so the haters of the left can have the right to free speech to denigrate me, you, our ex-President, or Elon Musk, who naturally they call racist, whereas I recognize him as the world’s wealthiest person who happens to be an African American.
Now compare the sacrifice of our veterans to today. I offered to interview several people, enabling them to tell their stories, who initially said yes. One was called a Nazi in Germany, for daring to standup to the edicts of the government regarding Covid. A Nazi? For standing up to the German government.
One is a Canadian, the number 2 salesman in his large tech company, who got fired for not having taken the Covid vaccine.
Another is an admissions officer for a prestigious University in California, who is fearful that if he appears on camera discussing his views, he’ll be fired.
These are all people who have been cut by the sword of the woke in one way or another, who have gone so far to flee their attackers to another country, or remain cloaked amongst them.
On an individual basis I understand it, they have their own private concerns. On the other hand by remaining silent, they are allowing these authoritarians to gain more and control over our institutions, allowing them to lull others into sleep, made to believe that the number of people who disagree is tiny, and that you dare not speak out, so mind yourself.
Why do you think the those atop the DOJ and FBI labelled parents who stand up to Critical Race Theory being taught to their kids as domestic terrorists.
Why are they making an example of people who defended themselves during the Black lives matter riots who dared to protect themselves and their property? Like the McCloskey’s.
Why do you think the FBI recently sent 30 agents to raid the house of a Pennsylvania pro-lifer, in front of his kids, for a shoving match that took place in front of an abortion clinic two years ago, for theoretically blocking access to such services.
It is to make an example of them, so the rest of you stay in line. To scare you as to the repercussions of raising your head out of the sand and acknowledging that something in society is going haywire.
They rely on your silence, because the more outspoken you are, the more you will give others the unconscious permission to do the same.
Courage is infectious, so raise your voice publicly, the same way people in Germany could have when the Nazis were rising, the same way they could have when they saw the murderous rage of the Bolsheviks in Russia.
Let’s do that NOW, while the price we pay is much smaller than it will be when they completely take over.
Now, I’ve been given a heads up that the FBI will be raiding me in a few minutes. I’m not happy about it, but it sure as hell will not stop me from speaking out.