Canada + Trudeau Ban Hand Guns, Eroding Right to Self-Defense — HELLO Authoritarians!
I want to show you the attack on freedoms ongoing in the Western world. Why? Because these are the “elite” that want to control you.
Justin Turdeau, he slides into office on a rainbow of fruity colors, he’s kind and good hearted right? But when asked, who does he admire most?
Yes, he admires the authoritarian collectivists who don’t give a damn about your individual liberties. Too bad there are impediments to Turdeau and his dictatorial dreams, but his father would be proud of the progress he’s made in dismantling them.
Sure, sometimes he goes too heavy handed, as he did when he openly attacked your personal property rights, attempting to freeze the bank accounts of anyone involved in or supporting the peaceful protests against his Covid mandates, that forced everyone to take a vaccine, calling you a threat to civil society if you resisted, but wouldn’t allow you to leave the country if you didn’t as a punitive measure, because the when you care about your population, the best thing to do is keep threats internal rather than jettisoning them.
Of course it was proven that the vaccine didn’t prevent transmission, but he still kept those policies place for a long long long time.
Oh yeah, he also tried to steal the money that was donated the truckers standing for liberty, since they weren’t BLM who had his approval, and his cuck like kneel to as they burned down cities in America.
But his handlers got it right on guns. Take it slow. First ban the assault weapons, which he did in 2020.
Now today, he essentially banned handguns.
You see, they take it slow. One drop of water at a time, over certain number of years, they slowly erode your civil liberties, like a river eroding what you think is granite bedrock, until your rights are canyon with a snake winding through it.
Yes, he’s evil, and yes the Canadians deserve him, voting him in yet again. It’s ashame that we have a Communist country to the North, lead by this monster, but I care much less about maple syrup and hockey than I do about baseball and apple pie.
Look at at what is happening to Canada, as they slowly boil the frog in the pot, and beg all Americans to learn from this, the Democrats are trying to do the same exact thing here. Give up your gun rights. Let us take them from you.
You know who has historically taken your guns? The Nazis. Before they overran Germany and killed and imprisoned their opposition.
The Communists. Stalin’s henchmen would enter your house in the middle of the night, arrest you, and either murder you or ship you off the gulags.
In Cambodia, they did the same, before murdering 30% of the population.
China, 50 million people dead, give or take 10 million, but as they say, one person dead is a tragedy, 1000 people dead, merely a statistic.
50 million, I’m not sure what you call that.
And take a look at the blue cities of America where they are trying to make it illegal to defend yourself, all power to the criminal, who would not abide by any gun laws, none to the individual.
Do NOT tread on me.
Get your greedy authoritarian collectivist hands off of my rights and my gun, and this is coming from somebody who grew up wanting all guns to disappear.
I now realize the error of my ways. At least I have the humility to admit it.
Oh, and you know who gets to carry guns, those protecting Turdeau. He gets to defend himself, or have others do it for him. Rules for thee, but not for me.
Authoritarians like Turdeau want to shut down peaceful protests, a violation of the first Amendment. Shut down all dissent against his government.
And that my friends, is why have the 2nd Amendment — to protect the first, and all our God given, bill of rights.