In a masterful display of trolling Prime Time Alex Stein mocks the woke at Irving TX city council meeting. The satire is necessary as leftists have zero senses of humor. #kamala #alexstein...
video: Beverly Hills SQUATTER Style: Free Rent in the 90210 Beverly Hills has been inundated with squatters going to a mansion two doors down from LeBron James. This is social justice action, eventually when you don’t work from first principles, it comes back...
video: The Sad Effects of MSDNC Upon the Brain – Don’t Be THIS Guy Look at this sad individual who has developed TDS, almost certainly from watching too much MSDNC @cnn. + CNN. #TDS #MSNBC...
video: Glen Loury + Jon McWhorter vs Leftist MN AG Keith Ellison on George Floyd, Race + Policing Leftist Attorney General of Minnesota, Keith Ellison, goes on Glenn Lowery and John McWhorter show to discuss the George Floyd/Derek Chauvin case, his views about race,...
video: Why Does ANYONE Still believe the Modern Media After ALL their Provable Lies + Hoaxes ?? How does one debate with somebody on the left, that repeats provable media propaganda, like the fine people, hoax, or believes that Trump was threatening America with a...
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