Video: Victimhood a CHOICE?? Eat the Poisoned Apple or Let Your LIGHT SHINE? Victim Mentality State of Mind In this hyperpolarized day and age, it seems like the status of victim has gone up substantially in value. You even have groups competing to see who can be the...
Video: Ain’t Never Met a White Person Before; Life of Bedouins Deep in the Deserts of Syria. Are We Safe? Meet a group of Bedouins deep in the Syrian desert, who have Never met a white person before, how safe are you. If they have the guns, and I have the skin,...
Video: Why BAD HABITS are so EASY to pick up + Good Habits are so HARD to Ingrain Path of Least Resistance What is the reason the bad habits are so easy to pick up, while the habits that we know will be beneficial to us, are so hard to ingrain? The immediate outcome...
Video: what makes a location spiritual? Make life a meditation Where is a the Most Spiritual Place on Earth? What makes a Location Sacred and Infused with Energy? Make Life a Meditation and enjoy the video...
Video: Victimhood Mentality + Culture; or Gratitude for Being Born in the USA? Take Responsibility for Life People are increasingly choosing to wrap themselves in the dark shroud of victimhood, rather than looking upwards and celebrating the rising sun of...
Video: zero gravity environment created by society creates atrophy and inability to fulfill potential Resisting the Zero Gravity World So YOU Don’t Atrophy and Get Weak. No resistance environments created by society destroy us, creates atrophy, and denies people...
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