video: Proof That CNN is no Longer a News Organization – Bananas CNN absolutely dispelled any potential myth that it was still a news organization, but rather just a propaganda machine for the Democratic Party when they refused to cover the press conference by...
video: Terry Crews vs Don Lemon- Black on Black Crime; + Black Lives Matter. CNN’s warning on Wrongthink Super likable Terry Crews vs Don “I have demons” Lemon- Black on Black Crime; + Black Lives Matter. CNN’s tries once again to issue a...
video: Deep Fake Media Bends Your Mind to Their Paradigm + Brad Pitt Played Luke Skywalker in Star Wars The mainstream media and CNN want You to adopt their paradigm, the reality they want you to see of the world, largely for nefarious and selfish reasons....
video: Breaking Down CNN’s Vicious Narrative; Chris Cuomo vs St Louis + the “face of Anti BLM Movement” Analyzing Chris Cuomo’s “interview” where he tries to frame St. Louis’s Mark McCloskey. Did he protect himself or...
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