video: Chinese Censors Take Over at YouTube Headquarters- stifling the market place of ideas- Do No Evil?? Chinese censors take the reigns at YouTube, defacto via the World Health Organization. (WHO) Big Brother begins now. The video is 6 min long, discusses the...
Video: Big Brother STOPS When you Grow; End the Encroaching Nanny State As we grow as individuals, Big Brother slows, and the encroachment of the nanny state stops. With helicopter parents preventing children from growing up and becoming independent, we hear continued...
Video: AOC and Dems want to pay you NOT to work. Perverse incentives Incentives to Stay Home and Not Work- AOC + Democrats Want You Reliant on Government Handouts. This is the way we hook Americans on “free money” and socialism. How perverse incentives...
Video: what makes a location spiritual? Make life a meditation Where is a the Most Spiritual Place on Earth? What makes a Location Sacred and Infused with Energy? Make Life a Meditation and enjoy the video...
No one wants to be harassed by the government. My bet is if you live in a big city you’ve noticed parking enforcement seems to be the city’s only efficient agency, with meter maid ninjas waiting for you to turn your back for a split second when they appear...
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