video: Police Shooting Checks the Right Race Box – GO RIOT! Walter Williams was shot by police after approaching them wielding a knife. As the police shooting checked the correct racial box, riots naturally ensued in the west Philadelphia area and one individual...
video: Who Won the Final Debate? Reaction + Key Points to Biden/ Trump Matchup Going Forward The final presidential debate was significantly less aggressive in nature than the first. The moderator did a better job staying neutral, but as to who won the debate, the...
video: Disagree with Tolerance? Get Banned! Assaulted! And We’ll Burn Your House Down! The left continues to claim that they are the people of tolerance and love while they commit acts of physical assault, ban people on social media for having the slightest...
video: “Racist, Nazi, Bigot” : Words Lose all Meaning; the Inflation of Language + Money When you print too much money it loses all value. The same is true of overusing words. Inflation- fall in the purchasing value of money. It happens when you print...
video: Where is the REAL Election Interference Coming From? Iran + Russia or Twitter + Facebook The left wants to claim that the election interference is coming from Iran and Russia, foreign actors interfering in our Republican democracy, alas, the true election...
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