Elephants- the largest, strongest, and most powerful land animal alive, are somehow held down by a tiny stake in the ground, that they could easily yank out if they tried, like, at all. So why don’t they? How are those controlling the mighty elephants, the mahouts,...
video: Portland Should be Designated an Open Air Mental Asylum Heather Heying and Peter Boghossian recently gave talk Portland State University, and with an evolutionarily biologist, Heather Heying, stating simple biological facts that men are on average taller than...
video: Joe Biden Falls Asleep in National Interview; But His Vigor + Strength are 2nd to None While being interviewed by MSNBC, and answering the question as to whether or not he was going to run again, Joe Biden fell asleep and had to be awakened by the reporter. But...
video: Canada + Trudeau Ban Hand Guns, Eroding Right to Self-Defense — HELLO Authoritarians! I want to show you the attack on freedoms ongoing in the Western world. Why? Because these are the “elite” that want to control you. Justin Turdeau, he slides into...
Discussing why a greater percentage of the nation have a sole parent, and whether or not it is a result of the welfare state providing. And why does this affect black families so much more today than in the past? #singleparents #family...
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