video: Jordan Peterson’s Hero Journey — The Return of the Jedi In the hero’s journey, an individual is plucked from his normal every day existence and struggles, drafted by fate or need to battle an insurmountable obstacle, an enemy with incredible...
video: Always Be on the Positive Side of the Ledger We always want to be on the positive side of the ledger. People keep track, and it’s where the term “much obliged” came from, when you did something positive for someone, the law of reciprocity...
video: Always Be on the Positive Side of the Ledger We always want to be on the positive side of the ledger. People keep track, and it’s where the term “much obliged” came from, when you did something positive for someone, the law of reciprocity...
video: Gratitude Expressed + Love is Life’s Purpose When we are able to exchange gratitude in love with another person it amplifies the feeling that only within us and them but for the world. The magic of gratitude is what upon our deathbed we will remember...
It’s actually very easy to connect with anyone you first meet, you merely have to get the attention off of yourself, and concentrate on the positives that they have. Here is the simple strategy as to how to create positive chemistry with any stranger. #chemistry...
video: When you Get on a Roll; Keep Rolling. (Life is EASY) — Just Avoid the Cliff There are such things as positive feedback loops, when you take action and do something successful, your next success comes a little bit easier, until the graph of your success...
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