Whether Your Blood is from Slavery or Jews- WE are NOT Victims
You are not a victim unless you believe it.
A friend of recently posted a slavery meme on Facebook, which gave me pause.
What was posted was a meme regarding slavery in the USA of the 19th century. What I saw was an advertisement of victimhood.
I’m not discounting the impact of slavery. That it was a great evil of the world. The horrific practice still exists in parts of Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.
And for purposes of this video I’m going to agree that it has an ongoing affect on the well being of black America, to this day.
However and I say this with love, WE are not victims.
You’ll notice that I inserted the “we” in there. That goes for everybody in the world, at some point in time, every single one of us has ancestors who were treated poorly. Anyone could claim this and be correct, and you could also point to the fact that being alive today in present day America is akin to winning the Universal lottery. We are the end product of eons of evolution, an evolution which continues to take place.
But if you want stand tall on the platform of victimhood, those with Jewish blood should stand atop. My dad’s side of the family, is Jewish. My grandparents families were obliterated during World War II.
By a calculated, evil, destructive and Satanic force, that systematically went about and enacted its planned genocide. Slavery was evil, but at least there is an incentive to keep the slave alive, whereas the Jews went to the gas chambers.
When you create pain in people, that’s the easiest way to influence them to doing what you want. You tell someone that they are victim, convince them, and then you offer them way out. This is how do you sell people, how you get votes, how you manipulate them.
And despite the fact that Kev’s ancestors as well as my own were victimized, I’m want those events stricken from the record keeping of our minds.
Why? because it’s poison. Not only did we not personally experience it, and I at least heard a first hand account from my grandparents of events, including my Grandmother having a Nazi hold a pistol to her head in a Polish forest and somehow sparing her when she spoke to him in French, amongst other harrowing tales and firsthand accounts of death.
We can dwell and focus on these injustices. But it doesn’t serve us.
When you feel like you’re a victim, there’s no sense in taking positive action. When you feel that the world is conspiring against you, why even try?
There are real victims in this world, and even though that might be the case, it does no good to cement that identity.
Yes, bad things happen, bad things have happened to me, and to every single one of you out there watching. But if I want to sit around and feel sorry for myself, I get nothing done. I don’t advance my life, my well-being, and that of my friends and family.
When I see people Trying to convince you that you are a victim, I internally weep, for the same reason if someone were to try to tell my 3 year old he is a victim because his ancestors were slaughtered in a Holocaust by Actual Nazis. Because it limits his ability to take action, because it would give him an excuse not to live the best life he can. That’s where I come from. I want the best life possible for you.
When we wallow in despair, other people feel that they have permission to do so as well. Misery loves company.
When we start taking positive action, it might spur others to do the same, not wanting to be left behind.
The change we want to see in the world begins with us, with our thoughts and actions. And that’s why I come down with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers, those attempt to install, the victimhood narrative. This whole grievance culture thing that we are currently going through in the west. People don’t seem to realize that the world has never been an easy place to live, that injustices take place daily, that mankind is a flawed species by heavenly standards, and that all we can do is make the best of the moment before us.
So I urge you, even if you truly are a victim, labeling yourself as such only inhibits your growth, your prosperity, and your well-being. All we can do is learn from negative past events, and leave the residue of the emotions behind, and take action in the present that will make our future better.
So to all of you out there, the mantle of victimhood is like a drug, it makes us feel good and powerful in the moment, but it not only doesn’t make our life better long term, it weighs down and prevents taking the actions that would.
So drop the victimhood status and get out there and take action towards the goal of making the world just a little better off because of your presence. That’s how we make a difference. That’s how we succeed. All of us.