The GUARANTEED Solution to the BLM Antifa Problem Facing America- Happy Everyone!
video:The GUARANTEED Solution to the BLM Antifa Problem Facing America- Happy Everyone!
BLM Antifa Rioters shout “Death to America” And I have the solution!
BLM antifa rioters set about the streets of Oakland and started to shout the refrain of Iranian mullahs, “death to America.”
Others avidly promote Communism.
Both these positions are at odds with most Americans to put it euphemistically. The good news, I have a frictionless solution that will leave all parties happy. Well, maybe not the Democrats, they’ll be losing voters.
Before solving this crisis once and for all, I have to address where this crisis stems from. Simply: Ingratitude.
Few of these people rioting have traveled outside the country, and have no appreciation for how the rest of the world lives (Cambodia), not understanding how fortunate they are to live in the system that they are actively trying to tear down, both in their words and in their actions.
Jerry Nadler says Antifa is a myth, Kate Brown, the governor of Oregon won’t even address their existence, despite the fact that they’ve been rioting for 100 days straight in her state, and Portland mayor Ted Wheeler seems to panhandle on their behalf, and they thank him by attempting to burn down his condo building.
No Democratic politician in fact has come out in condemnation of antifa/BLM, because you know, votes and power are way more important than honesty and principle. One must Show fealty to the voting bloc.
Who would I pledge my allegiance to? the people that actually pay the taxes that allow America to run.
The small business owner, who has his store looted, burnt to the ground, and the know nothing, lying Antifa defenders on reddit saying it’s only physical objects, they had “insurance,” but whatever money they get they, and that includes you and I, are just going to be made up in future policy price increases, and that doesn’t even account for 1/100th of the blood and sweat equity that these people poured into their businesses.
The hypocrisy on the Democratic side of the aisle is vast, and I hope the voters see that come November.
That being stated, I desire to remain solution oriented. I believe that I have an answer to the problem that is dogging and plaguing the United States of America.
It’s fairly simple, these people want communism, they want the death of America. Let’s give them their wish.
There are two members left of Bush’s, “axis of evil.” Iran, and North Korea.
Certainly if they want a place that would be very receptive to their chants of “death to America,” Iran would be a fantastic locality for them, and they could see the radical Islamists up close who they admire, and as Iranians are people of color, there would be peace and harmony for their unassailable views.
The best part about it is the black clad female Antifa wearing masks to hide their identity would fit in perfectly with the Islamists, with the duel benefit for them of occurring their generally asymmetric and unflattering faces from public view.
While obviously the likely destination of choice for female Antifa, males who desire to chant death to america are also welcome.
Really for anyone who feels America never gave them a fair shake, you’ll feel exquisitely comfortable in the Islamic Republic.
North Korea has the purest form of communism left on earth. Their emperor, their fearless leader, the democratically elected Kim Jong-un, whether he be in a coma or not we don’t know, which may admittedly jeapiordize the country’s stability, but that’s why we are sending in you Commie reinforcements.
And not to worry, as long as North Korea keeps their prosperous country alive by flooding the world with counterfeit US currency, and exporting military technology to other rogue nations, it’s still has several years left to stand, especially with the ever present help of fellow Communist, China.
So, if you choose communism, just give up your US passport, renounce your citizenship, and we will gladly send you to North Korea. No questions asked, a first class, one-way ticket, enjoy, and we’ll give you $2000 in spending money, additionally allow you to withdraw the $13.44 on average that the Antifa member has in their bank account. The same goes for Iran. We want you to have choices, but don’t take too long to decide.
No questions asked, enjoy your time there, enjoy communism or Islamism up close and in person. And the job opportunities there are fantastic for you. While personally I would choose Iran, the job opportunities in North Korea are superior for you.
Specifically a security position. Think of it, you could have a job where you could could get paid, a bag of salt maybe, to enforce respect for the beautiful ideology. Say, you see another Otto Warmbier, a US tourist tortured and ultimately killed by the North Koreans for the crime of attempting to steal a propaganda poster, your fervent love of communism, as well as your experience in morality policing, as well as your misery, will make you the perfect candidate to arrest and do him harm.
It’s a win for you, you’ll leave the US with infinitely more money than you originally had in your bank account, you’ll get the communist experience you desire, or you’ll find an incredibly receptive crowd for your chants of “death to America.”
I mean this, please sign up, leave a comment below with your name and address, and the US government will get in touch with you ASAP to make arrangements. I see this as a full proof plan, both with us US citizens benefitting from and paying for the pleasure of your absence, and you as well, who have such malice and destructive intent towards our country get to go somewhere on the taxpayer dime, where your views and energy will be welcomed with warm hugs.
Please tell me in the comment section below your thoughts on met plan or if you want in. It’s a mutually agreed-upon deal that benefits both parties, and I hope you enjoy your new localities. Don’t send a postcard.