Dan Crenshaw + Texas Republicans Release Most Awesome + Effective Campaign Ad of All Time!

by | October 4, 2020

Dan Crenshaw, who rose to prominence after Saturday night live comedian Pete Davidson said he looked like a hitman in a porno, and by the way, Crenshaw said the first part was kind of funny, which I agree,

video: Dan Crenshaw + Texas Republicans Release Most Awesome + Effective Campaign Ad of All Time!

Dan Crenshaw, who rose to prominence after Saturday night live comedian Pete Davidson said he looked like a hitman in a porno, and by the way, Crenshaw said the first part was kind of funny, which I agree, the part that people took exception to, was his mocking of how he lost the eye .. . but rather than falling into the fast flowing river of Outrage, Crenshaw instead went on the SNL and roasted Pete Davidson to his face live, and did a fine job of it. It was a moment that unified our country, and brought Crenshaw to prominence as we saw him rise above the fray, and turning an event that other people would turn into something negative, he managed to channel it into something funny and unifying, and to understand that even though we might disagree, we can still recognize the humanness in each other.

And since then he’s done nothing but show us that he deserves his rising role of prominence on the right side of the aisle. 
And so, Crenshaw demonstrates his ability to benefit others, as the other republican congressional candidates, have hitched a ride on Crenshaw’s star power. and as a team, have released what might be the most effective campaign ad of all time.

The age old strategy, which likely still does, is tying a negative association to your opponent. One of the most famous examples of this, was when George Bush was running against Michael Dukakis, he released an ad of Dukakis’s open door prison policy that released 1st degree murderer Willie Horton on a weekend pass, who immediately went on to commit murder and rape.
Not unlike what many of the leftist DA’s doing in America’s woks towns today are doing, but that’s a side note.

And yes, that strategy still no doubt has staying power. And this is not the approach that Crenshaw and Company took.

What makes their campaign ad so effective, is the fact that once again Crenshaw and his fellow candidates go against the grain. In a day of outrage over the most minor of things, of continued negativity, of doom and gloom, Crenshaw and company take the highroad, and go for humor and service.
There’s nothing in here belittling their opponents.

They show the ability to to make fun of themselves, of then process, they intentionally make it look like a combination of mission impossible, and an 80s action film, with the explosion behind them at the end, and even using Crenshaws glass eye that he received from an IED in Afghanistan, as a tool, changing what some people would consider to be a hindrance.

Watching the ad makes me feel good, and the association goes to each candidate featured, including of course Crenshaw. And again, it goes against what is the status quo today, of outrage, of pointing out the faults of others, rather than a mission to do good, to save others.

That’s why I really admire Dan Crenshaw. It’s part of the reason I think he has an excellent shot at being president in 2024.


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