Donald Trump is FAKING Covid; Claim the Left, PROVING Idiocy
Donald Trump is FAKING Covid; Claim the Left, PROVING Idiocy
I’ve heard recently unhinged conspiracy theories that Donald Trump is pretending to have Covid in order to skip out on the debates … and to gain sympathy
I don’t know if I’ve ever heard anything so idiotic in my life. Let’s dissect these assertions.
Skipping the Debates
It was the Democrats, and Nancy Pelosi, who were advising and practically insisting that by not enter into a debate with Donald Trump.
According to the polls, Joe Biden has a sizable lead, wouldn’t they love to play four corners defense, a basketball term that essentially is an attempt to stall out the clock when you have a lead. If they really believe that they have such a large polling lead, wouldn’t that game theoretically correct thing to do.
If Donald Trump believed he was losing, why would he play dead? Wouldn’t he try to get in the ring and land haymakers on Biden?
Why then, given that these two things are the narrative being pushed by the Democratic Party, with Donald Trump be the one who wants to skip out on the debates? Does that comport to trumps overall personality? To back away from a fight, or the chance to prove himself? There are a lot of things you can call Donald Trump, but a coward ain’t one.
Now, as Donald Trump pretending to have Covid. It’s not even that I would put it above Donald Trump’s character to try to pull this off. He wants to win, and if this was viable option, it is conceivable that he might attempt it.
But looking at it again from a game theoretical angle, the degree of difficulty in pulling this off in this day and age is like attempting to throw yourself over the edge of the Grand Canyon and end up on the other side.
Like trying to take a paddle board into space, set the trajectory towards Mars, and land on the Red planet before your scuba tank of oxygen runs out.
Like me scoring a date with Marilyn Monroe, not today, but in her prime. (Back to the Future)
With all the people testing positive around him, the degree of difficulty of keeping them, their doctors, and their family members quiet, in today’s modern age, with text messaging, instant video, is absolutely impossible.
The Trump White House has leaks, and if the president were to do something as underhanded as this, you better believe that it would be out there within, at best, hours.
It would be the greatest scandal in the history of the United States.
I personally would support impeachment immediately, as would virtually every other moderate or conservative out there.
On one hand the leftist media is trying to play it off that Donald Trump has a 50-50 shot of surviving, that his vitals are down, and on the other hand he’s faking it.
This is like matter and antimatter meeting, and those of you with Trump Derangement Syndrome, are eating it up either way.
ftexuth is, anybody who dares suggest he’s faking it for sympathy or to avoid a debate, should be judged immediately as either a HUGE LIAR, or incredibly stupid.
Those are really the two options.
To not immediately examine that even if Trump and his advisors might have discussed this, that they wouldn’t immediately see there is a 0.00001% of successfully pulling it off, with a small amount of upside of whatever sympathy it might engender, and the downside being the early termination of his Presidency, as well as being derided for the rest of history as the world’s greatest clown, and likely criminal charges for him and his accomplices.
So, let me be kind to those of you out there who might have trump derangement syndrome and have momentarily bought into this conspiracy.
First of all, never ever listen to the source where this information came from again. Remove them immediately from your life after labeling them either stupid or liar.
Second of all, if you bought into it, just don’t vote. You’re too deranged to have a voice in our democracy. I’d rather have a drug addled homeless person’s opinion. Okay, maybe I’m not so kind.
And lastly, if Donald Trump is in fact faking it, and pull it off, and we find out sometime next year that this was the case with verifiable proof, as in, not some thing that comes on the page of the New York Times, but something honest, he will receive a standing ovation from now til eternity for pulling off the the greatest sleight of hand trick from magicians around the world. Every single magician from Penn and Teller to David Copperfield to God, will take a knee to show respect for the biggest political heist in the history of the world.
And what a movie it would make!