Jordan Peterson’s Hero Journey — The Return of the Jedi

by | February 9, 2021

Overcoming adversity and hurdle after hurdle, carefully battling the sinister monsters sent at him, listing the tide of hope, knowledge, with his carefully chosen laser like words as he laid siege to the lefts attempt to advance their dark vision of the world, and their demands for acquiescence to their control of your mind. 


video: Jordan Peterson’s Hero Journey — The Return of the Jedi

In the hero’s journey, an individual is plucked from his normal every day existence and struggles, drafted by fate or need to battle an insurmountable obstacle, an enemy with incredible power, seemingly, beyond the capability of any individual to combat. 

The hero gains skills, support, and seems to be making progress in his noble quest, before invariably getting knocked down flat on their back, with no visible path back, before miraculously rising from the ashes, eventually overcoming the great evil.

This is the story of Maximus the Gladiator, Frodo Baggins, Luke Skywalker, and today, hopefully the story of Dr Jordan Peterson will mirror these noble warriors as he battles the dark forces of the radical left. 

Emerging from near death, recovering day by day, Peterson has the potential to return as the verbal and mental Jedi he is. 

But that doesn’t mean that evil has stopped fighting. 

An unassuming Canadian psychology professor was cast into the public spotlight when he confronted the post modernist, authoritarian demand that speech be compelled, which would force citizens of the Great White North to utter someone’s chosen pronouns. 

He stood against the encroachment of mandated speech, summoning his inner strength, stating he was willing to face whatever consequence might be thrown at him.  He warned the world the waters of our liberties were heating up, and that all us frogs should take notice. 

Indeed many did, gravitating to online lectures and debates, as well as his book “12 Rules For Life” imploring people to take personal responsibility, all galvanizing millions to take action to better their lives and those around them.

The left would have none of it. How dare he stand in the way of their Communistic post-modern fantasy of equity.  

At first they threw the low level monsters at him, whom he dispatched with great fanfare, 

People admired his intellect and wit, and delved into his teachings. He went on a world-wide tour like a rockstar; thousands of people to fill an auditorium to see him speak, at $50 to $500 a ticket.
Who would pay such a sum to see what amounted to an hour and a half lecture of his work, readily available online? 

Me for one. I saw Dr Peterson at the Sony Center in Toronto, in 2017 with thousands of others. Was it worth it you ask?

Yes, in terms of the fact that I was giving money and staying power to a man who I greatly admired,  almost a payment for all the valuable insights I had received from his online teachings, and more so, a small tithe for rise in the tide of positivity he helped millions of individuals generate for themselves.
Perhaps you out there watching have been affected for the better by the man’s teachings. if that’s the case, leave a comment of your experience below. I’d love to read them. 

Those wishing to strike at Peterson down came harder at him. Yet, Jordan continued his fight forward. 

Overcoming adversity and hurdle after hurdle, carefully battling the sinister monsters sent at him, listing the tide of hope, knowledge, with his carefully chosen laser like words as he laid siege to the lefts attempt to advance their dark vision of the world, and their demands for acquiescence to their control of your mind. 

And then our hero was struck down. The love of his life, his wife, Tammy was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Already prone to health problems, with a family history of depression, Dr Peterson got physically addicted to benzodiazepines that were prescribed to help his anxiety. 

He developed severe side effects, and only got worse being treated at the best hospitals the West had to offer. That’s when his daughter, Mikhaila, seemingly out of options, flew him to Russia for a risky treatment, where he was put in a medically induced coma. 

He was literally knocked on his back, and bak home the left wing press resonated with glee that a man who taught personal responsibility could have allowed such a fate to befall himself. 

Jordan Peterson would be heard from no longer. He would die, or have brain damage, this voice of reason and light of sanity would be extinguished to allow their dark hell masked under the guise of fighting oppression to move forward. 

Well,  miraculously, despite contracting Covid while recovering in Serbia, Dr. Peterson is on the mend, he’s healing.
Of course, the left cozied up to him, as the Times of London did, kindly and supportively asking him for an interview, and then tried to smash him and his daughter Mikhaila on the rocks of their hatred in the write-up, which I will cover in my next video, so make sure to subscribe for that! 

Yes, they tried to harm the mental state of our fragile Jedi still recovering. But hopefully we can all send Dr. Peterson our wishes of healing and well being. He has mentioned that knowing he has support has given him strength, so let’s all do.
And let’s hope that in this third act, that he arrives with greater wisdom, and that we take his lessons to heart to improve our own lives and fight against the advancing darkness of the Empire of Wokeness.
God Bless Dr. Peterson, and may the force be with you. 

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