I Thank YouTube #Censorship for Making Me RICH Biatch! Skyrocketing Pharma Stocks!

by | July 19, 2021

Intellectually I might have some problems with this from on basis of liberty and freedom, but like most people, that is overruled by my rapidly my bank account.

videoI Thank YouTube #Censorship for Making Me RICH Biatch! Skyrocketing Pharma Stocks!

Thank you Google! Thank you YouTube and the corporate media apparatus of our nation spreading Covid fear. I stand behind you 100%, not because I agree with you ideologically, but because you have made me fabulously wealthy.

You see in the summer of 2019 I put money into Moderna stock. It has come close to quintupling since my purchase.  (Self satisfied nod of head– I’m rich biatch!)

And I don’t want to be one of those athletes that wins the Superbowl and just thanks Jesus. No way, I want redistribute the wealth.
Oh, I don’t mean share the money. No way! I support higher taxes on the rich, just not myself. I mean sharing the glory and kudos for my bling bling with words, and if someone values the praise as much as I do cold hard cash, then please, never say I don’t pay my fair share.
See, in order for my investment to have shot up as it did, there has to be tremendous demand and as few alternative treatments as possible so all that money gets funneled into Moderna coffers.

So glory to Youtube and the other social media “platforms” (more like publishing departments with editors) for shutting down Covid “misinformation, ” shutting down the accounts that proposed for example lab leak theory proposed by scientists such as Bret Weinstein which might have delayed an understanding of the disease, or Pierre Kordy’s testimony about Ivermectin in front of Congress that it could have theoretically drastically stopped the spread of Covid in its tracks.
Seek your doctor’s advice.

I mean, YouTube gloriously expunged his testimony in front of Congress early on about the drug. Imagine if the information was not only accurate but had gotten out. Imagine all the death that might have been averted, the closure of businesses, the destruction of the economy, which of course saddens me no end.  Now more importantly, imagine the number of people that wouldn’t have had the need to take an experimental drug being pushed by the powers that be.

Intellectually I might have some problems with this from on basis of liberty and freedom, but like most people, that is overruled by my rapidly my bank account.

And the longer we let it fester while we shut down any discussion that might mitigate the spread and make Covid go extinct, well, bullocks for the world at large, but good for the drug companies. Just think of the recurring yearly revenues in terms of booster shots. Sucks for you, but good for Moderna and Pfizer investors.

I care about people. I care about humanity. There are just things that frankly I hold in greater value.


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