You Might be Democrat If …

by | January 9, 2022

If you root for everybody in Florida to get Covid and die, because they didn’t lock-down and you had to, you  might be a Democrat.

video: you might be a Democrat IF …

If you drive alone in your car with the windows rolled up, wearing a mask, you just might be a Democrat.

If you root for everybody in Florida to get Covid and die, because they didn’t lock-down and you had to, you  might be a Democrat.

If you complain about rich people not paying their fair share in taxes, but you, yourself, pay zero, you might be a Democrat.

If you think speech, can be violence, you might be a Democrat.

If you gleefully use the words “bigot” and Nazi” to describe someone you disagree with, you might be a Democrat.

If you think Michaganders protesting the loss of their freedoms was a terrorist superspreader event of science deniers, but the BLM protests and riots were a postive for public health, you might be a Democrat.

If you support Bill DeBlasio shutting down Jewish weddings and locking down their playgrounds as necessary for public health, but applaud his encouragement of massive BLM protests at the same time in New York City, you might be a Democrat.

If you think the children of Illegal Aliens shouldn’t be penalized for the crimes of their parents, but all white people need to accept blame for what people they aren’t even related to, did 200 years ago … You might be a Democrat.

If you consider it racist to refer to a virus that originated in Wuhan China, as the Chinese Virus, you might be Democrat. 

If you get sense of pleasure and power for yelling at others to put on their mask, you might be a Democrat. 

If you think parents shouldn’t have a say in what is being taught to their children, you might be a Democrat.

If you’re in favor or eliminating gifted classes because no child should feel bad that they aren’t as good at math, and that “equity” should be the law of the land,  you might be a Democrat. 

If you applauded Robert Deniro’s “bravery” for yelling out “Fuck Trump” but recoil in horror when someone says, “Let’s go Brandon,” you might be a Democrat. 

If you think Kamala Harris is sharp, secure, and funny,  you might be a Democrat. 

If you think the January 6th riots were on par with 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, you might be a Democrat.

If you have any more “you might be a Democrat,” leave ‘em in the comment section below. 


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