Big Tech Censorship in Overdrive; Divides + Radicalizes the Nation
Censorship has been shifted into overdrive by Big Tech, and with it, the brainwashing of your family and friends, and the political polarization of America.
YouTube and Reddit are in the crosshairs today.
I’m close to a free speech absolutist.
And it’s not that I don’t think that there isn’t such a thing as hate speech, because there is.
It’s trying to define what constitutes hate speech that I find troubling, especially when those volunteering for the job are like a pack of salivating wild dogs, ready to define the term to fit snugly into their political ideology, and then pleasuring themselves by ripping apart anyone who dare deviate from it.
This was on full display with Reddit recently; I submitted a column stating, that while transgenders should be respected as individuals, and should they request, in good faith, that I refer to them by a specific pronoun, I would agree; but should that be forced upon me by law, threat, or violence, I would vociferously object.
What I believed a totally reasonable statement, was deemed to be “hate speech” by the salivating dogs, and I was suspended from the platform for a week for its promotion, and warned that a repeat “offense” would get my account banned.
I appealed several times, thinking it ludicrous … but the suspension for “hate speech” was upheld.
Stick with me, because I’m going to circle back and tell you why I believe this is a huge issue for all of us.
Concurrently, on YouTube, I was given a strike, and suspended, for a video More Than a year old; where I spoke of a article about the 2020 Presidential race where they openly bragged about a “shadowy kabal” (their own words), working together to insure a specific election result.
Of course, what I have just stated is election “misinformation” even if I am giving you the jist of the article as I don’t wish to be struck down by the leftists censors of YouTube, who by the way, still allow questions of the 2016 election, or Stacy Abrams to claim she is the governor if Georgia.
I discussed the psychology of the writers and publishers of the column, and hypothesized that they desired notoriety, deriving it from letting others know what had been accomplished, and that it was a form of dupers delight, which is when you feel proud of yourself for pulling a fast one on someone.
Again, YouTube censors, I’ll cowtow and declare my statements “misinformation” since you have a stranglehold of speech allowed on your platform.
And this choke point of speech is what really matters.
Today, the digital public square is where almost all communication and persuasion takes place, and there aren’t many large piazzas to choose from. Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, Facebook, all seem to be run by people with identical ideologies, which wouldn’t matter if they could remain neutral regarding speech and their algorithms, but we can plainly see that ideology supersedes not only neutrality, but profits.
This is clearly demonstrated when someone states they should not be forced to use a transgender person’s pronouns; the ideologues in power immediately label that as unacceptable “hate speech,” and strike the idea from public record and consciousness.
Similarly, should you have hypothesized that the Wuhan Corona virus might have, just maybe maybe, emanated from a bio-lab studying exactly such viruses, located in the same city bearing its name, this was, of course, misinformation.
Dare to hypothesize that Ivermectin might have beneficial effects, strrrrrrikkkkkeeee … suspension, de-platformed, and were you able to discuss the Hunter Biden laptop for that matter that they deemed false, without being dogpiled, downranked, blocked, or shadowbanned?
YouTube won’t even allow to me to conjecture about the psychological state of those who ran a piece in openly bragging about a “shadowy kabal.” Again, I have just delivered election misinformation despite the fact that I’m quoting the phrase they used. Can’t be too careful with the esteemed, magnanimous nobles of the YouTube C-suite, including their supermodel CEO, Susan Wojiciccicicki. … Again, I admit, the last statement was definitely misinformation.
But enough toying with the cobra like censors, what is the end result of such toxic censorship for you? For society?
Only one side of the argument is given air, as any alternative theories or thoughts peaking their head out of the ground, such as “lab leak” or “don’t coerce me,” are smashed back down to hell like a gopher in a carnival game.
This means, a decent percent of the population never hears an alternative thought to those allowed to be expressed on the ideologically biased platforms, and many people lacking the time to investigate further will likely will choose to believe this as “truth,” whatever that word means today.
But knocking the gopher head back into its hole doesn’t kill it.
Those ideas circulate underground, and in the proverbial gopher holes, metastasize, and take on a life of their own, growing stronger with little pushback, having not had the chance to express themselves in the open air and be debated.
And the same pathway exists for the ideas allowed in the “polite company” of leftists.
Rather than battle each other out in the public sphere, these perspectives grow into absolute truths in the minds of the respective sides, and the less these ideas are challenged, the less malleable most individuals become regarding their “truths,” thus insuring not only increased tribalization, but also increasing the risk of violence, which is something that benefits none of us, other than perhaps the Chinese as they wish to create a rift in the one power that stands between them and global domination.
Those engaging in censorship might believe they are relieving the world of “hatred,” but in doing so, in almost all cases, merely drive the energy and theories underground, and when it reappears in the world, it is unlikely to be there to merely debate.