The More They Hate – the Harder We Defend Him (from a former Dem)
video: The More They Hate – the Harder We Defend Him (from a former Dem)
But but Trump.
We need to go after him. And let me tell you why.
You see, he’s a racist. It’s proven!
I mean, he said there were fine People on both sides.
He literally gave the emperor’s thumbs up to racists (clip of Trump and I’m not talking about)
He tried to lie about the Hunter Biden laptop before the election, pinning what was so clearly Russian disinformation on Joe and his angelic son. Everyone knows that.
How dare anyone accuse Scranton Joe of lying.
He dared to question an election that he thought fraudulent. —
So what if the FBI sat on the Hunter Biden laptop for a year, and then had the intelligence services lie about it, and having it censored on social media, just because they did all that, they absolutely didn’t engage in any other questionable activities. There’s NO WAY they would have tried to undermine a single one of 50 different state elections, and definitely not individual precincts.
And if you even consider the possibility, you’re a conspiracy theorist.
He instigated January 6th. It’s his fault the capitol was attacked! –
He waved around an undescript document that may or not have been declassified. And yeah, Hillary acid washed her servers and destroyed cell phones with a hammer, but we’re going to go right ahead send Trump to jail, okay.
How about the fact that he overstated the worth of Mar Lago when applying for bank loans, because you know, the assessor for Mar Lago values the property at 18 million.
Sure your house might be able to sell for more than the assessor values it at, but that’s Mar Lago. That’s fraud! No trial necessary, like Communist Russia, no trial is needed, destroy his businesses, take it all, send him to jail!
Why don’t you see this man for the evil that the media has told us he is. He’s evil. He is a racist Tangerine. He’s the Orange Satan. Orange Satan!!!!
What? How dare you resist us? We know what’s best! You’re in a MAGA cult.
#1 y’all need to chill. There is a reason Trump Derangement Syndrome is so prevalent in the United States and it’s directly correlated to media consumption. Like CNN + Don Lemon.
Aside of the media manipulating you with false and divisive narratives, as they did over and over during the Trump presidency, and you fell for it each and every time, … this time you’re 100% certain you have the goods on Trump, right?
Here is my answer, and I say this as a former Democrat— I DO NOT CARE.
You’ve cried wolf so many times that each time you open your mouth with your new plan to “Get Trump,” I cover my ears, because all I hear is howling.
Don Lemon, the media, the DNC, the WEF have manipulated you into believing in the Orange Bogeyman that they dangle in front of you like a vodoo doll to scare you into compliance of their agenda, like calling you a fascist if you question chopping off the genitals of 14 year olds., or closing the beaches during Covid.
And the more you come after him, even though I didn’t vote for him in 2016, the more vociferous my voice grows in defending him.
Trump kept us out of wars, he got the Abraham accords signed, peace in the middle east. Gas prices were low.
He didn’t try to mandate that five-year-olds take a “vaccine” that doesn’t prevent transmission of the virus to which they are nearly impervious.
He didn’t mask little children on airplanes and turn the plane around when a 3 year old cried about the mask and kick the mom off the plane.
But worse, he isn’t the one burning the country down. Literally ordering the border wall doors to be welded open so that illegals from all over the world can pour into our country, and receive welfare checks of $2200 a month, while people that paid into the system get $1400 in social security, if they made it that far in life.
He is not the one that divided our country racially. Stating over and over again that blacks are oppressed, and giving out Covid funds, to non-whites first, and high ranking jobs based on the color of your skin. Like the Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Jackson.
And hey, it’s not like private industry didn’t take the cue, the year after Saint Floyd, the companies comprising S&P 500 added 300,000 jobs and according to Bloomberg, 94% went to people of color. 6% to whites, despite being 60% of the population. That couldn’t possibly be racism could it? Or were whites just so unqualified? Imagine if I questioned why someone black wasn’t hired in the same manner?
And I saw the riots that burned down businesses, injured and killed people, that were encouraged by Joe Biden and the Democrats, going so far as to bail out people arrested during the riots in Minnesota, with Kamala raising money for them.
And today, you encourage via your policies and rhetoric, people to destroy businesses, to steal as much as they can, to smoke fentanyl in the middle of the street, and if the police have the audacity to arrest someone for serious crime, to release them back onto the street within hours so they can rapidly prey upon decent people who just want to get along in their lives.
Sorry, you’re voodoo media lies don’t work once they are recognized. Once we realize that, not only do we stop paying attention, we actively mock your intelligence when you cry WOLF and expect us to cower under our beds.
Look, I don’t defend Trump because I think he’s a saint, or some idealized man. Far from it.
I defend him, because I know that if you get through him, you’re coming after the rest of us and will further remove our right to protect ourselves from criminals for whom you clap when they are released on the street, lock us down at will for whatever is the flavor of the day, cancelling, censoring and depriving of their livelihood over mere allegations, like Russell Brand, from anonymous sources dredged up by intelligence controlled media, and you desire to remove our right to speak out, or at minimum scare us against spreading conspiracy theories, like Covid 19 might have originated from the Wuhan Lab. with your ultimate goal, the destruction of the freedoms that makes America the envy of the world so you can firmly set the rules of the life to comport with your top down elitist vision of the world.
I don’t defend Trump because I think he’s Jesus or because I’m in a cult. I defend him because you’ve tipped your hand of authoritarian despotism.
“Trump bad, very bad man,” yell those who idolize Stalin and Mao who killed 100 million of their citizens. I am voting for Trump, which is my right in a democracy, that you are actively trying to take away by any way you can, because no amount of perfume can hide the stench of your corruption and evil.