Canadian Flee Socialized Healthcare Paradise to Receive Treatment in Mexico

by | November 26, 2023

Also, the interminable waiting times to be served in Canada, you don’t know if you’ll wait an hour or have to take off the entire day from work, or whether you’ll have to wait months to see a specialist … which brings me to the crux of what I wanted to say here today. 


Canada brags about their health care system. 

Everyone has access to healthcare, and it’s free, and of excellent quality!!! 

Well, no, first of all Canucks pay a huge amount of their paychecks to providing for said healthcare.

And then there is the quality. Just an example I was speaking to a medical device salesman who expressed his frustration that his company’s product lasted much longer and was safer than the competition, if memory serves it was artificial limbs, but he had no chance to sell it to the Canadian medical system, because they look almost exclusively at price, and even though in the long run their device would save the system money, Canada still opted for the option cheaper only at the outset. 

Also, the interminable waiting times to be served in Canada, you don’t know if you’ll wait an hour or have to take off the entire day from work, or whether you’ll have to wait months to see a specialist … which brings me to the crux of what I wanted to say here today. 

A large number of Canucks, despite healthcare being “free” in their country, have opted to come to Mexico to seek healthcare here. 


Because they cannot get an appointment, even when they have cancer. 

Bladder cancer, the appointment with an oncologist, months away. 

What do you do? You spend the money to go where you can be treated immediately and as Mexico is much cheaper than the US, many Canadians are coming here. Lr you can wait in Canada for the “free” treatment your taxes paid for, and die. 

Worse, someone close to my family, a pro-socialist NDP voter who, well shall we say, bristles if your opinion differs with his, unfortunately got sick with pneumonia, which they didn’t catch the first time. Now, still not close to 100% he has decided to abandon the free healthcare system of Canada and come down to Mexico for treatment. 

Hey, thank God for the option of privatized medicine, because these people, who clamor on and on about how great socialism is, and how much the world needs it, when faced with the reality and the actual manifestation of the ideas they espouse, flee to far greener pastures. 

That’s why they are arriving in Mexico seeking healthcare, rather than remaining and getting the “free” visits to the doctor they paid for already in the form of ultra high taxes. 

So, people are entitled to be wrong. People are entitled, like lemmings to side with socialist policies, but what they are not entitled to do is wriggle out of the consequences, go elsewhere for proper treatment, and then go back to defending socialism and “Universally awful healthcare” as something beautiful and great. 

This is the human ego, not willing to look reality ion the eye and say, “I was wrong.” 

This is what we must all intellectually be able to do, to look dispassionately at the results of what we advocate for, and then adjust our own lens. 

Unfortunately, the socialist left is such a cult, they are simply unable to do so. A dollar to a donut my family member continues to vote NDP and prattle on about how great Universal Healthcare is while receiving treatment in Mexico. 


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