Because you save for a sunny day, not a rainy one.
Victimhood Mentality + Culture; or Gratitude for Being Born in the USA? Take Responsibility for Life
People in the West live better than the kings and queens of history. No matter how much gold King Louis had stacked, he could never purchase a Southwest Airline ticket.
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Why BAD HABITS are so EASY to pick up + Good Habits are so HARD to Ingrain Path of Least Resistance
Every fiber of your being says “why do I want to go through this again and again?” You have to be able to look down the road towards the ultimate benefit that you will derive, which is not easy given the fact that we have historically lived short lives,
Are George Floyd Riots the Beginning of Civil War? ANTIFA + Evil Ideology are Severe Threats to our Republic
Equality of opportunity is a must and the playing field should be leveled as much as possible, but how do you blame a business from not re-investing a neighborhood that was burned it to the ground.
DO NOT GO TO WORK, We’ll Give You a Raise; AOC + Democrats Want You Reliant on Government Handouts
How perverse incentives offer Americans more to stay home and do nothing than go to work.
Where is a the Most Spiritual Place on Earth? Sacred Location; Infusion of Energy?
Where is a the Most Spiritual Place on Earth? What makes a Location Sacred and Infused with Energy?
Make Life a Meditation and
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An Ode to my Democrat Friends who CANCELLED Me for Politics
And now it’s years later, and you haven’t spoken to them, as they undoubtedly justify their actions by trashing you, to themselves, to other mutual friends, because your views don’t conform to the new, hardcore overton window that allows less and less light in through its panes daily.
Google Subverts America + Meritocracy with its Woke Socialist Algorithms
How Google is hurting democracy and sanity with their woke social algorithms.
DELICIOUS Meltdown of Leftist Media over Unanimous SCOTUS Decision in Trump’s Favor
The mainstream media, the CIA, deep state propaganda arm, has gone into full-blown meltdown over the supreme courts, unanimous decision in favor of Donald Trump, and against the state of Colorado to remove him from the ballot. The meltdown is absolutely delicious.
The Demons Attacking Elon for his Resistance to Fascism
FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr said the commission was joining “the growing list of administrative agencies that are taking action against Elon Musk’s businesses” and said the decision “certainly fits the Biden Administration’s pattern of regulatory harassment.”
How Bitcoin’s Incentives are VISIBLY Changing the World for the Better — According to the WEF!!!
Bitcoin is literally changing the world, and that’s according to what used to be a vitriolic critic of the cryptocurrency, the world economic forum,
Why Biden is GUARANTEED to be Replaced on the Ticket
I absolutely don’t believe that the Democrats are going to run dementia Joe Biden, given the fact that they are facing an existential crisis, with many of them likely to be prosecuted after the law fair that they’ve engaged in against President Trump.
The Term “Illegal Immigrant” is INTOLERABLE — what about “Murderer” ??
This is the left normalizing the most abhorrent behavior, and the language is a big part of it. Soften the language, change the definitions, we change the meaning people ascribe to it.
Criticize MRNA technology in France, 45,000 Euro Fine + Three years in Prison as Pfizer and Moderna Sip Champagne
Now, many people had doubts about the new MRNA technology, and it was public discourse regarding this “therapy” that educated people on the various risks and experiences that came with getting it, and this was in spite Big Pharma and their allies of uni-party/ Democrats/ Fauci associates smearing anyone who cast the slightest doubt their way, whether it be of the effectiveness, alternative treatments, or even the origin of Covid.
Gemini AI Image Creation Proves Google’s Anti-White Woke Bias
At least that’s more accurate than the images of popes thrown up. A request for an image of one of the holy fathers gives up images of — among others — a Southeast Asian woman.
Ukraine to FREEZE Bank Accounts if you Refuse to be Dropped in Russian Meat Grinder: Solution?
So say you don’t want to ripped apart by Russian weaponry, or kiss the feet of Comrade Turdo in order to have access the crystalized energy of your past production?
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Richard Birecki
Recharge Freedom
You save for a sunny day, not a rainy one. Why? To be able to have the freedom to enjoy that day. To be able to step out of the office. I went from broke like most people after college, to having the freedom to travel most anytime I want. Whatever that freedom might be for you, I'm showing you the strategies I and other financially successful people use, with doses of inspiration for sweetness.