So, the longer the pandemic goes on, the more likely it is that our habits are going to be undone/ change. Much of what we do is because it is habitual, and that’s just what we were taught, the way that things are done. We might have had the ability to telecommute for...
Video: How to go from Zero to 1 Million in ten years (with a touch if discipline) My first real job was for the summer, bagging groceries when I was 16 years old for a summer, making minimum wage. I had a few other odd jobs sine then and quickly realized that what I...
Watch video above and subscribe to channel for more It happens to everyone. A personal example: my friends were well well ahead of me when it came to switching to iPhone and iPads, and despite seeing them fall to Apple like dominos, because I wasn’t making the...
It’s time to buy some IRobot stock. Let’s go through some quick analysis– The shares trade at 20x earnings. Certainly not terribly cheap from a historical valuations standpoint, but relatively cheap in this low interest rate market. The company,...
The nation of Turkey’s currency is currently in a free fall, trading at an all time low, 6.4 lira against the US dollar, down over 70% for the year. The reason- banks pumping massive dollar denominated debts into emerging markets at super low interest rates. The...
Assuming you didn’t overshoot your future exit on the space-time continuum and end up in purgatory, a time machine is the easiest path to wealth. 20/20 hindsight being what it is, bitcoin, ethereum, the internet boom and bust, the housing market rise and crash...
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